Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Neurologist List
Trying to get my list together for Bam-Bam's upcoming Neuro visit at the Dan Marino Center in a few weeks to send there soon. To give you an idea where Bam-Bam is at - he is 4 years old and this is a rough draft of my unfinished list of his strengths and issues:
Current Skills/Strengths:
Words (understood by others):
- Help
- Juice
- Eat
- Wash
- Potty
- No, Oh no
- Yes
- See
- This
- Apple
- “Jay” – for PB& J Smuckers sandwiches
- Book
- “Pipo” – Pillow (for his body pillow – stimming)
- Look
- Ma
- Dad
- Open
- More
- Diaper
- Bye
Signs (performed regularly):
Great Memory for details
Puzzles – excellent at putting together puzzles and solving puzzles
Loves to look at books
Loves music
Gross motor – Lots of Physical Energy
Current Issues:
- Hand-flapping
- Rocking on pillow
- Jumping up and down flapping hands on tip-toe when excited making strange faces and noises
- TV Obsession
- Repetition of TV and Movie Phrases and Songs
- Always in “own world” – mumbling and talking to himself walking around in his own place
- Never interacts with group – plays outside of group unless group is running or jumping then will engage in activity but not engage other children
- Bumping head, nose or chin on objects and people for sensory input – has started to bang head on floor again leaving marks on himself
- Lining up items in a row (cars, blocks etc)
- Spinning with eyes fixed on one point
- Will not use utensils when eating – only finger feeds. Textured foods he can not use fingers with he will not eat such as mashed potatoes, yogurt, pudding, etc
- Screams and screeches for no reason (just walking around doing it)
- Excessive tantrums that can turn violent with hitting, kicking, and thrashing and throwing items
- No fear of danger – will run into road, try to turn on stove, etc
- Irrational fears – Scream and throws tantrum if sat on a counter top, etc
- Group noise – does not like group singing Happy Birthday, etc and covers ears and cries
- Sleeping problems – up for hours at a time in the middle of the night
- Appetite Change – Used to eat without any problems all of the time but now only snacks all day on some items. Favorites are crunchy items like crackers, carrots, apples, etc
- Walks around making strange noises like raspberry noises for no reason – he will walk up to you when he wants something too and make these noises or if he is around other kids he will do it too at them
- No social awareness
- Likes to be naked – will keep clothing on in public but never wears any at home
- Likes his routines – for example when going out Jake must get his pillow and book before he will leave the house or when his diaper is changed you must help him up if he is laying down or he will stay laying there and scream until you come help him
- Has problems when things are out of place – example if he is eating a snack and one of the items drops on the floor he will scream and yell oh no and cry until you go over and pick it up
- Will all of a sudden laugh or scream for no reason
- Fine motor skills difficulty – holding a pencil, using scissors, manipulating objects, etc
- Seems as though he is ignoring you when you speak to him (hearing is ok) even does not respond to his own name most of the time.
- Will not follow ANY directions even in simplest forms or cues like pointing to an object, etc
- Plays with toys in a way thy are not meant for
- VERY Loud when speaking or verbalizing sounds
- Once he starts crying or having a “meltdown” he is very hard to calm
- Needs to be bear hugged to calm sometimes
- Lots of babbling sounds in long strings interrupted by a “hahaha” or a scream as though carrying on some sort of conversation with himself
- When having a tantrum will smack self or scratch self
Posted By Melanie @
1:56 PM