Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Checking In
I haven't been online much lately because my back hurts sitting at this comuter too long and my head feels like it weighs 20 pounds most days so all I wanna do is lay around on the couch. Of course I don't get to do that too much but I am trying to relax and rest as much as possible. My first OB visit was yesterday and I was listed wrong in the computer - they had me down for a yearly exam - so they at least did some of the OB appointment with me but I have to go back next week for the bloodwork and ultrasound. The doctor said I am 8 weeks along now it seems but they will narrow that down with the ultrasund next week and give me an exact due date as well.
On the homefront - the boys are doing good. The Professor has decided he would like a sister this time around and asks for it as if he is placing an order. I explained to him that it doesn't work like that and we would all love and be happy with a boy or girl. He agreed that a boy would be okay as long as we can name him something cool like "Sly". OMG - where does he come up with this stuff????
Bam-Bam's Tshirt design is done for the upcoming Walk FAR for NAAR Autism walk!! It looks awesome!!! I am very excited to get the shirts done now. We have a meeting FINALLY with the CT and other school officials regarding his IEP changes I requested the second day of school at the end of the month. Lil' Michaelangelo is still reaking havoc on my house and has decided to do some "artwork" with a few different color crayons in The Professor's bedroom so looks like we will be repainting in there soon.
We have a busy few weeks ahead: Saturday I go see a dinner show with Mom and my sis called BEEHIVE. Next week is another OB appointment and some family birthdays as well as Bam-Bam's school pics, then the following week we have Bam-Bam's meeting, The Professor's 2nd grade play, Professor's school pics, The Professor's 8th birthday, his magical bday party and the Autism Walk. The week after begins more family birthdays with King Papa Bear. Busy, Busy Busy!!! My poor house needs a cleaning desperately. Off to do laundry and get some work done before the sickness returns full force! :)
Posted By Melanie @
9:32 AM