Thursday, September 29, 2005
Getting Older....
My oldest, The Proffessor turns 8 years old tomorrow. My little man will be eight years old!!! I can not believe how fast he has grown. I am so proud of him too because he really is such a good kid - he is good in school, considerate, listens for the most part and tries to be helpful. Even at his young age he is all about family first because "that is what is MOST important, Mom". My little man turning eight. I feel OLD.
Bam-Bam's IEP meeting yesterday was more of a let's see what to do with a new diagnosis meeting. We will not re-write his IEP until after he goes for a psychoeducational review with the school district ESE team of psychologists. Hopefully that will be done soon enough, but I am not counting on it. We did get to discuss having a behavioral consult in on his goals for behavioral strategies to be implemented in his classroom for him which will be good. His Speech therapist and OT had nothing but great things to say about his progress so far this year which is a change from last year. So it looks like we are heading down the right road, but will still have some battles ahead.
Tomorrow will be so busy. I have to shop for The Professor's party decorations, shop for the party, mail out my swap items for SSM (sorry it took me so long ladies!!! but you will have them in like 3 days priority!!!), pickup munchkins at Dunkin' Donuts to send to school for the Professor's class bday treat, run a ton of errands, get Walk stuff finished for Sunday, and give the house a good once over again before the party for Saturday. It should be fun. A magician who has a real rabbit (*Note to self: put Dog outside during magic show so he doesn't screw with the rabbit- Allison remind me!!!) and is supposed to levitate one of the kids during the show. I think the kids will all get a kick out of the show anyway. We are having pizza, salad, tons of snacks, and a really cool Harry Potter Cake!!! The Professor has not had one child from his class RSVP for the party yet which I know is going to upset him, but we have 40 people/kids invited without the 22 kids in his class so he should still have an awesome party!
It is 3pm and I have been waiting since 8:15am this morning for the appraiser to come. He called at 9am to say he was running late and would be here soon. Still not here. Hasn't called back either. Asshole. all of this refinancing stuff is driving me nuts.
The Professor's play is tonight about "A Child of the World". He has a one line speaking part so it should be fun. Well I hear Lil' michaleangelo waking up so I am off to get him out of his room.
Posted By Melanie @
2:46 PM