Thursday, September 08, 2005
Icky Icky Poo
Feeling extra icky these days. Pregnancy is never kind to me to name a few things but hardly all - with The Professor I wound up in the hospital twice for severe dehydration and rapid weightloss from excessive vomitting as well as a host of blood pressure and sugar issues, with Bam-Bam I had full blown gestational diabetes which I had to inject myself with insulin shots in my preggo tummy 3-4 times per day and poke my finers to test my blood sugar 5-6 times a day and the sickness then was awful too, and with Lil' Michaleangelo I was sick as always and had sugar and blood pressure issues. Hopefully this child will attempt to be kind to his/her dear Mommy but so far I have been bowing to the porcelain god or goddess numerous times each day and am just flat out exhausted. Which explains and excuses my lack of posting.... Bear with me.
Posted By Melanie @
3:10 PM