Thursday, September 22, 2005
Pre-Weekend Check-in
Hello all!
The tummy aches and pains have subsided at the moment long enough for me to feel up to a little interent surfing and an update or two on my blog and family site. Hopefuly I can get through both!!!! :)
Had my OB appointment on Tuesday - the baby is due on April 27, 2006 according to my ultrasound. We will see how my blood pressure and sugar does with a little relaxing. That is not coming easy. King Papa Bear and I are in the beginning stages of refinancing our house so we have to get ready for an appraiser and surveyor and other people to visit and invade our home to get everything for the new mortgage company together. It will allow us to add a pool on and do some other things around here so we are excited! Of course the stress is killing me at the moment - that and Bam-Bam's IEP next week that I am not prepared for or looking forward to. The Professor turns 8 next week - Holy shit my oldest is gonna be 8 years old!!! I cannot believe it. Then comes King Papa Bear's Bday. What to get him???? He would like to go see the Bucs play sometime in November so maybe I could get him tickets for his birthday. He also wants the Harry Potter book collection on CD (which is crazy expensive!!!) since he listens to books on tape while he works on drawings. Any ideas out there??? He likes motorcycles, football - Bucs, Japanese history, travel, swords, etc.... Don't know what to get him. Lil' Michaelangelo is talking up a storm lately which makes me happy to see him progressing so well and a little sad that he has so surpassed his older brother at this point which is just the beginning of things like that. Hard to handle. But baby steps and we will get there eventually. We walk soon - - Should be fun!!! Bam-Bam's teacher is even joining us with her hubby.
Continue to pray for Katrina victims and those in Rita's path now. The force of that storm is scary beyond words even to a Floridian familiar with hurricanes. Give what you can
Posted By Melanie @
5:24 PM