Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Awful to say
Is it awful for me to say I really dislike being pregnant??? Well not completely dislike but I am not fond of alot that comes along with it for me. There is the constant vomitting and nausea, being completely exhausted but also never being able to sleep through the night, insulin injections, finger pricking blood sugar tests, nightmares, and the list goes on and on. It is about 5:30am right now and I have been awake for hours due to an awful nightmare I had about my father. So real and upsetting, I woke up crying. This kind of thing only happens to me when I am pregnant and it drives me crazy. When I was pregnant with Bam-Bam, I had a dream that my grandmother who was dead was walking towards me and picked up my baby wrapped in a blanket in my arms and took him. She walked away and gave me a sad half smile and left with my child. For the entire pregnancy I was terrified I was going to lose the baby. My aunts on my father's side LOVE to analyze dreams....especially ones that contain their deceased parents and it drives me nuts. Out of the blue they will call me and tell me about some dream about me or one of my children. "Oh I died in your dream last night??? Well thanks for calling to let me know!" Jesus....
I would just like to sleep dream free for a while. Is that too much to ask????
Posted By Melanie @
5:33 AM