Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Wilma knocking on the FL Gulf Coast's door????
So will Wilma make an appearance here???? We have plans to go away this weekend so I am really hoping she makes a turn and heads elsewhere. King Papa Bear and I are trying to decide if we should ammend our Disney trip to Friday night only due to a possible hurricane threat. We have tickets and room ressies for Saturday and Sunday at Disney. Maybe we should change them, if we even can at this point. I don't know.
In other news - this pregnancy has me emotional and paranoid. I can cry over almost anything these days and everything said to me I wind up turning into something crazy. An example would be my dear husband making a comment to me that I should go to an upcoming ZTA alum social with some old FSC friends which I turned into him needing a break from me and wanting me to go out. Ridiculous isn't it????? It embarasses me to even see the words typed on the screen not to mention even thinking it in the first place. I can't believe how nutty these hormone changes make you. I feel like an ass most days. My insecurities heighten right about now - issues I have come out in full force. Dealing with Mom, being overweight, having to go through another labor, how can I be a good mom to 4 kids, etc... run through my head all day long. Makes me crazy. Makes me sound crazy as I read back my own words. When I was pregnant with Lil Michaelangelo, I was an insane cleaning machine. I was on hands and knees scrubbing floorboards up until an hour before going into labor. My house was immaculate. This time around I have been the laziest SOB I know. My house is a pig sty and NEEDS to be bombed by a Lysol Blimp. Ugh. I need to go finish work I put off yesterday and then maybe I can get my butt in gear and clean some of this mess I call a home.
Posted By Melanie @
9:11 AM