Monday, December 12, 2005
Tis the Season
Shopping is almost done...only a few more gifts to go that I have ideas for but need to make it to the mall - ICK! - to pick up. Christmas parties begin for us this weekend which should be fun and very busy. The kids have half days Wed.-Fri. and then winter break begins! It came so fast. I have to find some things to do to keep them busy. And to keep my house from turning into a disaster area with the three of them running around. Let's see...make cookies, some crafts, maybe a playdate or two, etc.
Wednesday is our ultrasound! I am so excited to find out what the baby is. I think it is another boy, but we will see. Looking forward to it. Thursday is Bam-Bam's PreK parent conferences and Christmas Party. That should also be fun to see the kids sing "Jingle Bells" since they have been working on it with them for over a month!
My mood from this weekend (which was LAZY) has lingered over to today and I feel like doing nothing that I need to get done! SO has my insatiable need for junk food! Yesterday was football day in this house - WOO HOO BUCS!!!. So we had subs, salads, and junk. So what did I eat so far this morning??? Tostitos with Salsa Con Queso!!! And I am seconds away from going to find the last cupcake and eat it too!!!! There is laundry to fold, a kids room to dust and vacuum and bathrooms to clean. Who really wants to do it???? Not I said the preggo mama with the tostito in her mouth... Crunch. Crunch.
The Professor is finally over the stomach virus he had...thank god. I couldn't handle cleaning anymore vomit! Especially right now. So he is back in school today after a 3 day hiatus and the weekend for a rather short week before break. Lil' Michaelangelo got used to having him home to bother I think. Speaking of Lil' Mikey, he is amazing me with his words lately. He makes me laugh with his shoulder shrug and "I dunno" answer to questions like where did your cup go? He also can name most TV and Movie characters (is that a good thing??) like "Harry" for Harry Potter, all Dora characters, all Blues Clues characters, and most Disney characters! He is counting to 10 in English and 5 in Spanish (thanks Dora!). It is all so bitter sweet since it reminds me now of all I missed seeing Bam-Bam do at this age. But Bam-Bam is really coming along and trying so hard lately to add words to his ever growing vocab list. Granted Lil' Mikey has surpassed Bam-Bam's language development right now as we knew he would but dreaded happening. Bam-Bam has surprised me though with acknowledgement of Santa with a hearty "Ho Ho Ho!" lol :)
So now that I have babbled on I need to make some kind of effort to do something around here today. So I am off to tackle some kind of housework.
Posted By Melanie @
10:18 AM