Thursday, December 01, 2005
I have forgotten how long it has been since I have been here!!! So sorry for not rambling to you lately!!!
Goings on.......
Baby appointment Wednesday went well for the most part. Blood pressure slightly elevated, still not gaining a whole lot, glucose test done and waiting for the results, and ultrasound scheduled for the 14th!!! Woo Hoo!!! We get to see if we will add another prince or a princess to our castle!!!
Kids are all doing well. Bam-Bam has parent conferences on the 15th. He is learning new signs for 2 word commands now so hopefully that will develop and blossom into more language as the other signs have. The Professor adds something expensive to his Christmas list daily. And Lil' Michaelangelo has been in a brat mood for the past month! Seriously, he is driving me batty most days. He seems to find it quite comical to run down the driveway in the morning when I have my arms full of crap and down the road. So now picture this.... a 5 month pregnant mom running down the street after her 2 year old with two bookbags, pocketbook, blanket, water bottle, keys, etc in tow yelling "___!!!! Stop running! Get Back here NOW!!!". I am sure it is quite a scene. By the time I catch him (or if he trips from trying to look behind him while giggling hysterically) I am trying to convinvce myself under my breath agin why I do not spank my children and do not believe in spanking. Like I said...he is driving me batty enough that I actually consider smacking his little rear end once I catch him! This is not me and not the mom I want to be so I know I am losing it! That is just one of his many, countless misdeeds lately. The joys of mothering a head-strong two year old.
So that's all for now and I promise to be back tomorrow!!! :)
Posted By Melanie @
4:38 PM