Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Oh My Gosh! The Baby!!!
The Baby will be here in 13 weeks and counting!
I don't even have a name for this child yet! There is so much to do!!! I am starting to panic more and more thinking about this.... King Papa Bear and I have always had names ready by now for the kids. But this child is still currently nameless and we are no where close to naming him. (*NOTE TO SELF: Buy new name books at Target today - maybe something new will pop out at us and be the one!)
The I have to get my bedroom ready to add the baby to for the first few months. This means clearing out the one side of the room to add the bassinet (which I still have not bought!) and the changing table and all the little baby necessities (which are also still not bought).
Next will be getting Bam-Bam and Lil' Michaelangelo's room organized and re-painted. Repainted since Lil' Mikey was off creating again recently with crayons and markers all over his walls. The baby, once old enough to move out of the bassinet, will move into the room with Lil' Mikey and Bam-Bam will move in with The Professor. Which then means both rooms need to have the closets re-done and organized to hold clothes, toys and stuff for two kids in each room. This means a trip to Lowes and a weekend project for King Papa Bear to set them up correctly for ample space. So that will lead to shopping for me - a new dresser for Bam-Bam, new toy storage for each room, new bunk bed/loft bed set for The Professor's room with desk space and some extra drawer space too. At that point that room will probably need repainting too.
Thank goodness my MIL and SIL love these home improvement projects so I can get them to come help me. While I am at it I might as well finally paint the kitchen since I have been wanting to do that for quite some time as well!!!
Think that nesting instinct has kicked in yet?????
Posted By Melanie @
9:44 AM