Friday, January 13, 2006
The System Sucks
Plain and Simple. It sucks.
We had Bam-Bam's Transition Meeting last night for going into ESE Kindergarten from ESE PreK. Well it looks like after his upcoming IEP meeting on January 23rd, we will know if the committee decides whether or not Bam-Bam will be eligible for kindergarten August 2006 and what reccomendation they have for him whether that be general kindergarten, co-teach class, autism class, behavioral class, etc. And based on that reccomendation will give us the schools he will have to choose from (if he is asigned to a program that can be chosen that is!) If he is assigned to let's say the Autism class which is a district class and only has a few in the COUNTY - he will have to go to whatever school they assign him to. Even if that school is a 40 minute drive from his home, as long as it is still in the county they can send him there. Like that??? Yeah, me neither.
So we are going to hope and pray that his upcomig IEP meeting will go over smoothly and that we can convince them to see our point of view that Bam-Bam would greatly benefit from one more year in his current ESE PreK Class. We are hoping that with FL Law being that he will only be 5 at the end of May and does not HAVE to be enrolled in Kindergarten this year (unless he turns 6 by Feb 1st which he does not) that they will agree with us on this and allow him to stay one more year. He has made such strides in this class this year but he is no where near a kindergarten level in anything except his gross motor skills (all physical). His speech and language level is still equivalent to his 2 year old brother's and is even lagging behind him. He has just learned to put some words together to make 2 word commands like "shoe off" or "open juice". His self help skills are still very behind - potty training is still not complete, he will still only finger feed, etc. That is not a child ready for kindergarten in my eyes. So I am hoping they will see things my way.
If they do press the issue and reccomend him for Kindergarten for August, then he loses his ESE PreK spot and I have the choice whether to enroll him or not, at which point King Papa Bear and I will most likely attempt to homeschool him for a year and pay for various therapy that he will need in addition to instruction. And then let him enroll in August 2007. Not sure about all of this of course yet, but we at least have a base plan to work from. I'll keep you updated.
Posted By Melanie @
7:48 AM