Sunday, January 22, 2006
Things Comin' Up
Well the weekend is at a close. Friday night's dinner was hell. I should have just stayed home instead of going alone and subjecting myslef to open ridicule from an uncle who I hardly see and an aunt who has had so much plastic surgery to regain her youthful looks that she always looks like she is completely surprised. A picture would do that comment so much more justice but I would feel so guilty.
Saturday was much nicer. My sister took my boys to a play day at a local park with apicnic for a few hours so King Papa Bear and I decided to forego the housework and regular work planned during their absence and took some alone time for us out to lunch at Applebes and a movie - Underworld 2. The movie was good. A little bloody and violent for my taste at times, but still good. So we had a nice afternoon alone and it was pleasantly unexpected as well which made it better.
Today was catch up on work day. Work for my BIL got done finally. I also decided to scrub the kitchen floor, baseboards, dining room floor and baseboards, and all molding in the house. My back was KILLING me after that and the poor baby was doing some kind of dance inside of me trying to stop the madness and get the crazy baby carrier to take a break. I didn't have a choice but to stop cleaning and lay down for a while since my back was starting to spasm. King Papa Bear was not too happy with me when he returned from the store to find that I kept cleaning after I had promised to stop when through with the kitchen. I blamed it on the nesting instinct. :)
Last night was the first night in over a week that I actually slept all night! I was so excited this morning when I woke up at 7:30am!!! Before last night I had probably slept a total of 7 hours in 3 or 4 days. So the dark circles under my eyes looked like they would continue to grow. I am hoping for another good night!!! Fingers crossed.....
Tomorrow morning is Bam-Bam's IEP meeting. King Papa Bear and I will be going to it along with his teacher, Speech therapist, OT, ESE liasion, School psychologist, and Autism district specialist. They will be discussing his recent re-evaluations in speech and OT, the psych testing he was supposed to have done, his new IEP goals for the next year, and kindergarten placement and consideration. I'll let you know how that goes tomorrow afternoon sometime depending on when we get done. Our meeting is at 11am. Until tomorrow!
Posted By Melanie @
9:23 PM