Thursday, January 05, 2006
What a pain in the you know where!
Well I posted my Thursday Thirteen this morning and managed to somehow screw up my blog by having things all over the screen - print for the date and title in the middle of my blog title, columns off, postings out of their columns - it was chaos!!! Magically I managed to get it fixed somehow - no idea how but I did it!! So you will not see Thursday Thirteen today. I will give it another go next week instead.
But on the homefront - Bam-Bam is being considered for transition into kindergarten for August which we are not happy about so I will have more news on that soon. King Papa Bear made a miastake thinking our playoff tickets this weekend were for Sunday but actually are for Saturday - which we have out of town visitors on! Pain in the butt he is!!! So I was very lucky that my darling friend (Allison), was kind enough to let me change times on our get together to a little earlier in the moring and a little earlier to end our visit. We are very lucky how understanding she and family were about hubby's panic and excitement over finding affordable tickets to see his team. :) (((HUGS)))
So tomorrow I will be preparing my house for our guests and attempting to make it presentable - that is make oit look like three semi-neat children live here which will be quite a stretch. LOL But she will deal since I am sure she remembers what a mess my bedroom was back in the day when we were growing up!!! LOL
Posted By Melanie @
8:56 PM