Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Valentine's Day!
Well Happy Valentine's Day to you all! Hope you get lots of lovin' from those around you...and don't eat too much chocolate or you will wind up with a tummy ache! No plans here tonight other than Applebees take out and relaxing. We go away one week from Saturday alone so we will do our V-Day celebrating then!
This afternoon was bittersweet. Bam-Bam's old teacher came in this afternoon to see all of the kids and was outside with them when I got there to get him. It was so great to see her. One of the aides was commenting on how Bam-Bam would not let her out of his sight - constantly holding her hand, following her around the class, etc When it was time to go he was hugging her and jabbering on and on at her. As we walked away he kept turning around to yell and wave BYE at her over and over again. I told her he was going to be heartbroken tomorrow when she was not there. She is certainly missed in that class. :(
I actually made some progress around the house. The Professor's room is done - closet cleaned, organized, and old toys gone. All laundry in the house is currently washed! I am working on folding and putting it away. The whole house minus my room and Bam-Bam and Lil' Michaelangelo's room are cleaned and scrubbed. It smells like Orange Pine-sol in here so bad I had to kill the heat and open the windows since it was making me sick. LOL Oh well, the house looks good besides those two rooms which I will hopefully have cleaned out and organized by the weekend.
Mother is coming tomorrow for lunch for my birthday. That should be nice and awkward. We have a hard time holding a conversation these days that is not centered around one of the kids. No idea why but that is our relationship, so I deal. Lil' Michaelangelo gets to come so that should break the silence while I try to keep his table manners in check where ever we wind up going out to eat. Should be quite the feat for a Terrible Two.... "No way Mama" That is his current favorite phrase and it drives me insane.
Well back to the massive laundry pile on my bed that needs folding and to switch the last load into the dryer with the spare blankets from the linen closet! Woo Hoo!!! That is until King Papa Bear gets home and empties his gym bag complete with sweaty outfit and damp towel, undresses from his work clothes, and makes almost one more load all by himself! :) Gotta love him though.
Posted By Melanie @
3:26 PM