Sunday, June 18, 2006
Matthew woke up at 3:00am. This is the first time in a few days he has woken up at all between the hours of 11pm and 4:30am. So what happens after he is up to eat and have a diaper change which lasted all of 30 minutes before he was snoozing again???? His goofy mom can't sleep. Load of laundry done....check. Kitchen floor mopped....check. Father's day breakfast items prepped and ready to go....check. Cleaned main bathroom.....check. Now I am online checking out blog friends I do not get a chance to see so regularly anymore.
So a BIG happy Father's Day to those it applies to. Nick made a wonderful card for Adam including all of his favorite things with pictures and lists of things they will do together before Nick is a Dad himself so he can teach the same things to his kids. Very sweet my oldest son is and wise for his years!
We are heading up to my mom's today for a BBQ and swimming. No other Dad's around to visit since mine is out of state and the day belongs to Adam.
I need to attempt to get some sleep so I don't drink all of his special coffee blend for his special breakfast.
What's on your agenda today???
Posted By Melanie @
4:17 AM