Friday, July 21, 2006
Updates and Stuff
Things have been busy here. We have a lot coming up in the next few months. For starters the kids start school VERY soon! August 3rd is their Open House where we get to see their classrooms and their teachers. August 8th they start school! Its so early to be starting school but I am sooooo ready for them to go back! :) Nick has the same teacher he had last year. The school practices moving teachers along with their classes on certain years. Nick has been lucky to have a great teacher for K and 1st Grade and again will have a great teacher from 2nd Grade for 3rd grade! Makes things easier! :) Jake starts Kindergarten in his Autism class AND *drum roll please* will be riding the bus to school. That terrifies me! I hope it goes well.
Alexander turns 3 years old in only a few weeks. I have to check out Publix to see what character cakes they have that he likes so I can pick out a theme for him. Maybe Blues Clues or The Incredibles, or something. Hopefully with turning three something magical will happpen and he will stop being a terrible two!! :)
Matthew had his cardiologist appointment after we returned from vacation which turned out very well. His cardiologist said we are out of the danger zone right now. Matthew is doing very well and the hole in the heart does not appear to be causing him any kind of stress or health issues. The doctor believes that the heart should be able to repair the hole on its own. He showed me where to feel on his chest to feel the vibration of blood moving through the hole from chamber to chamber. Something that is very eerie to me. When you watch Matthew sleep, his breathing is very rapid and irratic from his heart being large and working overtime. It is scary because it almost looks like convulsions. I am so used to it now if that is possible. We do not have to return for another appointment or full testing until November.
I have a wonderful Girls Only trip coming up with one of my very best friends! I can't wait!!! Allison and I have been friends since 3rd grade. We decided to take a weekend for just us and meet in Orlando for some fun and relaxation! I am so excited - We will be going Sept 9-10 and leaving our husbands home with the kids!!! I can't wait! We both deserve the time away - our newborns (born a little more than 2 weeks apart0, other children and daily lives give us no time to relax and this way we can do it together. What wonderful guys we have to be so suipportive of us and let us leave them with the kids alone. What messes we will return to! :) LOL
Dieting is going okay. I have been getting up every morning with Adam - he leaves to go to the gym and I work out at home before the kids get up. although this morning Jake is awake. I was on here trying to give him time to fall back asleep but it doesn't look like he is going to, so instead I am gonna finish up here and move him into my bed to watch TV so I can use the living room to exercise. So I am off to do just that!
Have a great weekend!
Posted By Melanie @
5:20 AM