Wednesday, October 18, 2006
This Spongebob Phenomenon
I just don't get it. I really don't.
I have lived through a plethora of bad kiddo culutral phenomenons with the boys thus far. You name it and we have probably watched it if it was produced after 1997 when my oldest was born. But this Spongebob crap I just don't get. The others were at least somewhat educational in a sense but this show is just too much for my head. Granted, I am not a person who will laugh at those ridiculous, juvenile, potty humor type comedies like the movie Dumb and Dumber or anything so maybe that is my problem.
I was lucky that the kids never watched it at first until quite recently, as in the last couple of months. After seeing a few episodes I prayed that it would be a quick fad in our house, but noooooo. We have since had a Spongebob themed birthday party, have the Spongebob edition of the game LIFE, and even own two DVD movies. Apparently my children feel the need to torture Mom for a little while with this one.
I can't stand the show personally. I think it is vile. I thought Barney and Teletubbies were bad. And now I seem to be living in Bikini Bottom Hell. Ugh.
Posted By Melanie @
6:48 AM