Tuesday, November 14, 2006
OMG this Homework is ridiculous!!!
I have complained before about the ridiculous homework sheets Jake brings home. This one today REALLY takes the cake! Now mind you, my child is 5 years old, has a dx of Autism and is mainly nonverbal. He can write his first and last name and most letters but not any words as of yet. He came home tonight with a Thanksgiving themed homework assignment which would be cute, right?
Yeah, nope. You'd be wrong if you said yes.
He has a worksheet paper entitled "How to Cook a Turkey". The instructions at the top of the page read: "
Write the directions for cooking a turkey. Make a list of ingredients you would need and how much. Include oven temperature and time" After this is a group of six blank boxes for ingredients to be listed in and then about 10 lines for the directions.
Am I the only one saying WHAT THE HELL here????
Posted By Melanie @
4:35 PM