Wednesday, March 14, 2007
No Excuses
I haven't been here in awhile. Lost my interest in blogging, life has been hectic, etc etc etc.
But here I am again trying to get back into this because I miss it and Lord knows I need the outlet!
So my updates:
We are all doing good here. The hubby is working hard as always and being wonderful to us all. I am actually cashiering part time at night around his schedule at a retail store in the area which I hate, but it helps pay the bills and Jake's therapy so not complaining today.
The boys are all growing like weeds. Nick just finished his standardized testing at school and is counting down the days until field day and Spring break (right around Easter). Alexander is getting ready to sign up fro
PreK for August so we are going through all of the searching, paperwork, etc. Matthew is already 9 months old! Desperate to be in the group - he is walking and trailing behind his brothers wherever they go!
Jake is the one who has had the most change lately. He has always had some steps forward and some back, but his adjustment to me working again outside of the home has been bad resulting in major temper tantrums both at home and in school. Very bad ones in school - one so bad they had to remove his class from the classroom until they calmed him. We have been going through the process of setting up Verbal
Behavioral Therapy for him in our home with a consultant who is charging us a small fortune per hour plus driving time and supplies. She also visits the school and works with training the teachers to our program for Jake as well as training us (all of which we pay for). We are still in the beginning of all of it - observations, testing, etc but
should have it setup and on schedule by the end of the month hopefully.
So that is about all here for now. Looking forward to keeping up with all of you again and visiting your sites as well!
Posted By Melanie @
12:23 PM