Friday, July 20, 2007
Friday Random stuff
I have to work tonight, tomorrow afternoon and Sunday evening. Only about 4 hours each day so not too shabby - they are cutting hours right now which isn't awful for me considering I am only part time and happy to be home more with my family.
Mom had her angioplasty yesterday. No major blockage, but the doctor wants her to quit smoking and is prescribing her some magic pill that helps it happen in 30-90 days. She has stopped before so hopefully this time it will be for good. She is sore and at home resting. We'll go visit her on Sunday morning.
Tomorrow I will be outside doing one of my very favorite pastimes.....pulling weeds. You have no idea how much I despise doing this. It is all my parents fault since they used pulling weeds as a punishment when I was a preteen/teenager and now the chore at my own home is just as dreadful a punishment to me as it was then. I would rather have the weeds become new plants in our side and front beds then be out there trying to take care of them. Can't very well leave the hubby out there to do all of the yardwork in the FL summer heat alone though now can I??? Is it terrible that I dream of the days when my four boys are older and can do all of the yardwork as their chores???? Ahhh... til then.
Have an enjoyable weekend everyone!
Posted By Melanie @
11:56 AM