Tuesday, August 07, 2007
A Meme I haven't seen or done before, I got this Five Things Meme from Melanie over at
Our Happy Happenings.What were you doing 10 years ago?10 years ago I was 8 months pregnant with Nicholas, we lived in a house not too far from the one we have now in the NW corner of our city that we rented from hubby's mother. I was at home big and pregnant in FL's August heat and Adam was working on a casino boat out of the beach
What were you doing 1 year ago?Getting ready for the boys first day of school (it was Aug 8th last year) - Nick was going into 3rd grade and Jake into Kindergarten. I had a 3 month old and a almost 3 year old staying home with me while I worked from home for my BIL's business and Adam was still designing and drafting like his is now
Five Songs That You Know All The Lyrics- Any Nursery Rhyme - Itsy Bitsy Spider, Farmer in the Dell, etc
- Never Too Late by Three Days Grace
- Its Your Love by Tim McGraw
- In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel
- Hotel California by The Eagles
Five Things You Would Do If You were a Millionaire- Pay off House and All debt (car loans, student loans, etc)
- Set up full college funds for the kids
- Build our dream house
- Give money to family
- Give money to various charities
Five Bad Habits- Biting my nails
- Too much time online
- Procrastinating finishing laundry - folding, hanging, putting away
- Not calling family and friends enough but emailing instead
- Never getting to the post office when I need to but days later
Five Things You Like To Do- Spend time with my family
- Go to Disney World
- Read a good book
- Talk with Adam in the middle of the night when its quiet, we're alone, without interruption
- Research - from child issues to family history to vacations and more
Five Things You Would Never Wear Again- Neon anything
- Leg warmers
- Leotard type bodysuits
- Banana yellow heels
- Big peace sign earrings! (yup used to wear them alot!)
Five Favorite Toys- Computer/Laptop
- TV
- My Smoothie Blender
- Cell Phone
- Camera
Not tagging anyone in particular but if you read it and want to do it too please let me know so I can come read yours!
Posted By Melanie @
7:33 AM