Monday, August 27, 2007
Second week of school and so far we are doing good.
Today was the boys first day on the bus. Nick used to ride the bus for the first two years of school but did not ride last year since I could not get Jake on the bus. This year with Alex in PreK at the same time as the boys start school it is easier on me, our gas budget, and good to have for when I finally find a full time job again to have the bus in place for both of them. Nick was luckily able to be assigned to the same bus as Jake and was happy to be able to go on it with him to help him out. Jake had a minor outburst at the bus stop this morning, but after a few minutes let me walk him onto the bus and got in his seat by Nick. The aide and driver are a nice older couple.
I of course was having a heart attack this morning after putting him on the bus remembering every news story of kids left on the bus or dropped off at the wrong stop. That's why I am soooo very happy Nick is riding with him. Not to mention, Jake wears a shoe tag ID for kids with Autism and I thoroughly marked all his info in his bookbag. Just in case it is needed.
Jake's teacher called just moments before I got home from bringing Alex to school and left me a message that he did good on the ride to school. Now hopefully this afternoon goes just as smooth. Fingers crossed and prayers please! This is a big deal for Jake to do this!
Now I need to go fill out the emergency paper for the bus driver and dig out a school picture of Jake from last year from the photo box in my closet to attach to it.
Posted By Melanie @
9:09 AM