Thursday, September 29, 2005
Getting Older....
My oldest, The Proffessor turns 8 years old tomorrow. My little man will be eight years old!!! I can not believe how fast he has grown. I am so proud of him too because he really is such a good kid - he is good in school, considerate, listens for the most part and tries to be helpful. Even at his young age he is all about family first because "that is what is MOST important, Mom". My little man turning eight. I feel OLD.
Bam-Bam's IEP meeting yesterday was more of a let's see what to do with a new diagnosis meeting. We will not re-write his IEP until after he goes for a psychoeducational review with the school district ESE team of psychologists. Hopefully that will be done soon enough, but I am not counting on it. We did get to discuss having a behavioral consult in on his goals for behavioral strategies to be implemented in his classroom for him which will be good. His Speech therapist and OT had nothing but great things to say about his progress so far this year which is a change from last year. So it looks like we are heading down the right road, but will still have some battles ahead.
Tomorrow will be so busy. I have to shop for The Professor's party decorations, shop for the party, mail out my swap items for SSM (sorry it took me so long ladies!!! but you will have them in like 3 days priority!!!), pickup munchkins at Dunkin' Donuts to send to school for the Professor's class bday treat, run a ton of errands, get Walk stuff finished for Sunday, and give the house a good once over again before the party for Saturday. It should be fun. A magician who has a real rabbit (*Note to self: put Dog outside during magic show so he doesn't screw with the rabbit- Allison remind me!!!) and is supposed to levitate one of the kids during the show. I think the kids will all get a kick out of the show anyway. We are having pizza, salad, tons of snacks, and a really cool Harry Potter Cake!!! The Professor has not had one child from his class RSVP for the party yet which I know is going to upset him, but we have 40 people/kids invited without the 22 kids in his class so he should still have an awesome party!
It is 3pm and I have been waiting since 8:15am this morning for the appraiser to come. He called at 9am to say he was running late and would be here soon. Still not here. Hasn't called back either. Asshole. all of this refinancing stuff is driving me nuts.
The Professor's play is tonight about "A Child of the World". He has a one line speaking part so it should be fun. Well I hear Lil' michaleangelo waking up so I am off to get him out of his room.
Posted By Melanie @
2:46 PM (0) comments
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Pre-Weekend Check-in
Hello all!
The tummy aches and pains have subsided at the moment long enough for me to feel up to a little interent surfing and an update or two on my blog and family site. Hopefuly I can get through both!!!! :)
Had my OB appointment on Tuesday - the baby is due on April 27, 2006 according to my ultrasound. We will see how my blood pressure and sugar does with a little relaxing. That is not coming easy. King Papa Bear and I are in the beginning stages of refinancing our house so we have to get ready for an appraiser and surveyor and other people to visit and invade our home to get everything for the new mortgage company together. It will allow us to add a pool on and do some other things around here so we are excited! Of course the stress is killing me at the moment - that and Bam-Bam's IEP next week that I am not prepared for or looking forward to. The Professor turns 8 next week - Holy shit my oldest is gonna be 8 years old!!! I cannot believe it. Then comes King Papa Bear's Bday. What to get him???? He would like to go see the Bucs play sometime in November so maybe I could get him tickets for his birthday. He also wants the Harry Potter book collection on CD (which is crazy expensive!!!) since he listens to books on tape while he works on drawings. Any ideas out there??? He likes motorcycles, football - Bucs, Japanese history, travel, swords, etc.... Don't know what to get him. Lil' Michaelangelo is talking up a storm lately which makes me happy to see him progressing so well and a little sad that he has so surpassed his older brother at this point which is just the beginning of things like that. Hard to handle. But baby steps and we will get there eventually. We walk soon - - Should be fun!!! Bam-Bam's teacher is even joining us with her hubby.
Continue to pray for Katrina victims and those in Rita's path now. The force of that storm is scary beyond words even to a Floridian familiar with hurricanes. Give what you can
Posted By Melanie @
5:24 PM (0) comments
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Sharing the T-Shirt Design for the Oct 2nd Autism Walk
Posted By Melanie @
9:54 AM (0) comments
Checking In
I haven't been online much lately because my back hurts sitting at this comuter too long and my head feels like it weighs 20 pounds most days so all I wanna do is lay around on the couch. Of course I don't get to do that too much but I am trying to relax and rest as much as possible. My first OB visit was yesterday and I was listed wrong in the computer - they had me down for a yearly exam - so they at least did some of the OB appointment with me but I have to go back next week for the bloodwork and ultrasound. The doctor said I am 8 weeks along now it seems but they will narrow that down with the ultrasund next week and give me an exact due date as well.
On the homefront - the boys are doing good. The Professor has decided he would like a sister this time around and asks for it as if he is placing an order. I explained to him that it doesn't work like that and we would all love and be happy with a boy or girl. He agreed that a boy would be okay as long as we can name him something cool like "Sly". OMG - where does he come up with this stuff????
Bam-Bam's Tshirt design is done for the upcoming Walk FAR for NAAR Autism walk!! It looks awesome!!! I am very excited to get the shirts done now. We have a meeting FINALLY with the CT and other school officials regarding his IEP changes I requested the second day of school at the end of the month. Lil' Michaelangelo is still reaking havoc on my house and has decided to do some "artwork" with a few different color crayons in The Professor's bedroom so looks like we will be repainting in there soon.
We have a busy few weeks ahead: Saturday I go see a dinner show with Mom and my sis called BEEHIVE. Next week is another OB appointment and some family birthdays as well as Bam-Bam's school pics, then the following week we have Bam-Bam's meeting, The Professor's 2nd grade play, Professor's school pics, The Professor's 8th birthday, his magical bday party and the Autism Walk. The week after begins more family birthdays with King Papa Bear. Busy, Busy Busy!!! My poor house needs a cleaning desperately. Off to do laundry and get some work done before the sickness returns full force! :)
Posted By Melanie @
9:32 AM (0) comments
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Icky Icky Poo
Feeling extra icky these days. Pregnancy is never kind to me to name a few things but hardly all - with The Professor I wound up in the hospital twice for severe dehydration and rapid weightloss from excessive vomitting as well as a host of blood pressure and sugar issues, with Bam-Bam I had full blown gestational diabetes which I had to inject myself with insulin shots in my preggo tummy 3-4 times per day and poke my finers to test my blood sugar 5-6 times a day and the sickness then was awful too, and with Lil' Michaleangelo I was sick as always and had sugar and blood pressure issues. Hopefully this child will attempt to be kind to his/her dear Mommy but so far I have been bowing to the porcelain god or goddess numerous times each day and am just flat out exhausted. Which explains and excuses my lack of posting.... Bear with me.
Posted By Melanie @
3:10 PM (0) comments
Friday, September 02, 2005
And Baby makes..... 6!!!!
HOLY SHIT!!! Pregnant with baby #4. WOW was that a blow I was not ready for but King Papa Bear and I are happy to add another bundle of healthy joy to our family. I am very worried about how this will all fit in right now with everything going on with Bam-Bam and I will admit I am worried about what kind of decent mom I can be to 4 kids. I guess time will tell. We are about 6 weeks along now and my foirst OB appointment is on September 13th. Then we will tell the boys they will have a new brother or sister coming in April. A family of 6..... now we really need to buy into Disney's Vacation Club!!! :)
Posted By Melanie @
10:16 AM (0) comments